Mixed martial arts is known as a full contact sport that incorporates different fighting styles from different disciplines.

When practised in a fighting arena, the aim of the fighter is to beat their opponent which occurs either through a knockout, the opponent’s submission (giving up) or decision, which is when the judge decides the winner.

However, most people practise MMA for the numerous benefits it provides, such as for physical and intellectual health.

Some physical benefits are improved strength, endurance and overall physical resilience, as MMA practise includes many types of high intensity training, such as running, sparring and fast-paced workouts in order to build stamina and strength.

Many also develop balance, coordination and flexibility and agility skills through delicate footwork such as slipping, weaving and pivoting, and through learning how to shift their weight and maintain and disrupt their balance in order to win.

This also increases a person’s discipline and focus as progress is completely proportional to effort, requiring patience and physical and mental endurance.

This also allows a person’s problem-solving skills to improve, as fighters are require to adjust their moves to their opponents unique skills and weaknesses, forcing them to constantly think ahead under high pressure in limited time in order to outmaneouver their opponent.

MMA is a adaptable to many people with different goals, as there are different arts that relate to different interests, such as arts that are more preferable for people for striking (such as muay thai, or grappling (judo or jiu-jitsu) and many others.