Exam stress for a majority of students in Bolton is a prominent issue that affects not the student as well as their family and friends.
Parents and peers are often unaware on why this is and how to help.
Students can spiral into an endless loop of anxiety and depression because they are subjected to constant pressure from teachers and parents who don’t realise the profound impact their words can have.
This is not only overwhelming for the students, but can also be detrimental to their grades.
Many students say they work worse under pressure as they believe they will not achieve the expectations set by others.
This causes them to be reluctant to work, which ultimately results in worse outcomes and poor mental health.
Whilst studies have proven that a small amount of stress can be useful to motivate, high amounts of stress cause the complete opposite.
Many feel daunted when revising and struggle with motivating themselves to do so.
It is important that students have a healthy support system to work through these feelings of stress and anxiety.
However, some parents have no idea how to help.
Exam times can also place pressure on parents as they watch their children worry with no way to help.
It is fundamental that parents and students both receive the right guidance to make exam season as smooth as possible.
School counsellor, Stacey Delanty says:
“Exam times can be a very stressful time for students. As a School Counsellor I see this, not only in the lead up to GCSEs, but also the frequent exams taken throughout the whole academic year.”
“Talking through these feelings, at the students' own pace, and in a comfortable and confidential environment can help to rationalise these worrying thoughts.”
She adds:
“Parents can help by supporting young people in their choices and encouraging them to fulfil their plans and aspirations.”
“Small and manageable study sessions, regular breaks, keeping well hydrated and being realistic but ambitious can be good, positive focal points also.”
Overall, whilst exam stress may feel unmanageable, with enough help it can be reduced.
Positive coping mechanisms like keeping a study timetable would help to relieve stress for students.
Parents should also try to avoid placing excess pressure on the student as this can cause stress levels to increase.