Nowadays homelessness seems to be everywhere, which leaves many with the question: what can we do to help? 

According to shelter, more than 14,600 people are homeless in the northwest, 6720 of those are children, as well as 68% of families living in temporary accommodation across England. 

Contrary to popular belief helping the homeless is not difficult, it does not require much time or money just an open-minded approach. 

For example, you could donate to a food bank or, better yet, provide the homeless with warm clothes and meals as winter approaches. 

Another way to help is to volunteer at a shelter or buy a meal for a homeless person the next time you are at the supermarket.  

Some may wonder why they should help the homeless, it's not their issue.

Put yourself in their position, spending all day on the streets from heatwaves to pouring rain, never knowing when your next meal is coming, all whilst watching on as people with comfortable lives refuse to spare so much as a penny for you. 

So, next time someone asks you to spare some change don't hesitate to be generous because a little goes a long way.