The Off-Road Championship race list included a parkrun this week and Burnden formed a large part of the field of 108 at Clarence Park, in Bury, as well as supporting out along the course.

Clarence Park, opened by the Duke of Clarence in 1888, includes both a lido and a bandstand and is adjoined by Miss Walkers Field. It is a tough but pleasant little parkrun owing to its terrain of grassy fields and paths, and is well marshalled and supported.

The club’s own Duke of Burnden and joint off-road captain, Paul Duke, was first Road Runner home in 20mins 34secs - fourth overall. Seconds later, in 20:55, came men’s captain, Gareth Doherty and following third was Steve Nolan, in 21:29.

First Burnden lady, and second overall, was Lyndsay Darbyshire in 23:29 followed by Vicki Hamer (third overall) in 24:05 and Linda Doherty (fourth overall) in 25:35.

Other results: Ryan Moore 21:41, Andrew Crawford 21:45, Lyall Mew 21:49, Michael Kermode 22:54, Martin Whitehead 23:15, David Smith 23:26, Adrian Ashburn 24:03, Gareth Lowe 24:51, Paul Christie – 25:03, Melissa Husbands 25:36, Steven Bate 26:01, Simon Entwistle 26:10, Andy Warburton 26:14, Rick Winnard 26:38, Louise Righini 26:53, Phil Holden 26:59, Kathryn Baron 27:20, Tim Taylor 27:28, Jenni Partington 27:43, Sheila Christie 28:16, Ged Turner 29:01, Emma Walker 29:13, Sarah Brown 29:40, Nia Bell 30:14, Teresa Riley 35:34, Kathryn Berry 35:36, Tony Fulop 36:12, Jen Forkin 37:18, Andrew Parkinson 38:31, Gillian McGowan 42:47, Ian Mann 52:29, Jennifer Entwistle 1:00:40.

More than 1,000 runners set off from The Rock shopping centre to run through the heart of Bury amid cheers of fantastic support for the town’s 10k - an autumn staple on the race calendar and always features several of club members.

First to finish was Suleman Badat, hitting a super sub-40 with 38:25. Next was Martin Fielding, pacing 45:00, and first lady for Burnden, Gayle Gerrard, crossed in 49:12. Following the front three were Rick Winnard (53:21), Joanna Fielding (pacing 1:15:00), Tony Fulop (1:15:26), Luke Newell (1:03:53) and Jeanette Robinson (1:18:17).

Ravi Patel was ultra-focused this week as his eyes were on finishing the 32.3-mile distance of the Maverick Lakes Osprey Ultra, in Grasmere.

The mileage is the equivalent of climbing Ben Nevis twice plus some extra thrown in and the elevation gain is a staggering 2,800 metres.

The route takes ultra-athletes along rugged fells and through ancient woodland before finishing in Grasmere village.

After heading towards Easdale Tarn, on to Stickle Tarn and back down the Cumbria way towards Greater Langdale and Loughrigg Tarn, racers tackle a stinging climb to the top of Rydal Head and the Fairfield Horseshoe.

Patel completed the challenge in a marvellous time of 10:30:08.

The Cullens, Martin and Alyson, made a splash last weekend as the couple took on the seventh annual Swim Serpentine.

Held in the Serpentine lake in London’s Hyde Park with around 6,000 swimmers diving into the water as part of a one-day festival of swimming that welcomes participants of all ages and swim levels.

Martin completed the two-mile distance in 1:23:06 and Alyson finished in 1:34:51.

Burnden’s Steve Riddle has been undertaking a series of challenges throughout 2024, including Bolton 70.3, to raise money in memory of his friend Steve White and in aid of Cancer Research UK.

His fundraising total so far is £1,283 as he closes the challenges for this year - with a promise to fundraise for Cancer Research UK for Children in 2025.

Riddle said: “Look at what have all achieved together. Rejoining the BRR family has helped us all as a team to do something good.

“I am simply a vehicle for everyone’s strength and purpose through their love and support at the club.

“I am sending a big thank you to everyone who supported this great cause - your help is a fitting tribute to Steve and will go towards helping people with cancer, supporting them and their families and the great continuing work Cancer Research UK does to find cures.”

Burndeners find Sunday is a good day to get some miles in and run leader Michael Kermode took members out on a great route last weekend.

A group of runners met up and went on a 10-mile run, starting from Leverhulme Park to Elton Reservoir.

The group were all there for different reasons from trying to build up a level of fitness after recovering from an injury, training towards an important race such as a half-marathon or marathon or just for the pleasure to help improve mental health and wellbeing.

As the runners were all of a mixed ability, along the route the run leaders created muster points so the front runners were able to gain extra mileage and despite the wet weather everyone enjoyed themselves.”

To find out more about Burnden’s training and social runs, visit