Football didn’t quite come home for England during EURO2024 but the Wanderers managed to bring a taste of European football to the Toughsheet, in the form of top Italian side, Fiorentina, for their first home friendly of the season, as we continue our build up to the new season.

We had watched the Wanderers land their first silverware of the season, the Harold Taylor Memorial Trophy, at Chorley on Tuesday night. But tonight, we really did not know what to expect, with a League 1 side taking on a Series A team.

The match was played at a fair tempo, with Fiorentina’s quality very much on show. But we held our own until about 10 minutes before half time, when they went ahead through a well worked goal.

We had created several chances of our own, with Klaidi Lolos hitting the bar and Aaron Collins going close on a couple of occasions. At half time, Scott Arfield came on to replace the injured Aaron Collins and we began to take the initiative.

Around 65 minutes, we saw the much anticipated return of George Johnston, who put a cracking first tackle in, much to the appreciation of the Wanderers fans, rather less so the Fiorentina team and the referee.

We’ve been lacking that bit of steel and determination and it certainly got the Italians rattled. Victor Adeboyejo, who looks a lot sharper than last season, deserved poked the equaliser home to earn the Wanderers and honourable draw.

So, we can add unbeaten in Europe to our credits this season. Seriously though, it had turned out to be a thoroughly enjoyable match as we pitted ourselves against a top European team. We are looking more direct than last season, more creative in our build up. It is early days and we need players back from injury.

No doubt there will be some more players in and out before the end of August. But my excitement is growing in anticipation of a successful season, as the club continues its rebuilding and recovery from the Dark Ages.