Winter Hill Runners, Antonio Codina and Samantha Sale travelled to Langdale in the lake District to compete in the Old County Tops Fell Race.

The race is unique from other Lakeland fell races for more reasons than one, but particularly because this race has to be run in pairs with some ideology that if you are still friends when you finish you have a friend for life!

Old County Tops is held in May each year and is a 37-mile route with more than 10,000 feet of ascent.

Starting in Great Langdale, the route navigates to the summits of Helvellyn, Scafell Pike and Old Man of Coniston - the highest peaks of the three old counties of Westmorland, Cumbria and Lancashire.

Sale had spent the week recovering from a cold so the pair set off steadily.

The race started at 8am and the sun was already beaming.

This made the tough climb up Helvellyn that little bit tougher for the duo.

Then it was the first steep descent off Helvellyn and a refill at the first water station before the long run over to Scafell Pike with a stop at every stream and trickle of water to cool down.

After reaching the summit of Scafell Pike, it is an about turn and off the side runners drop for the steepest descent of the day.

Once down, it is time to get the legs moving again for the run over to the eagerly-awaited Cockley Beck checkpoint for a tuna or egg sandwich.

It is advisable to devour these as the fuel will be needed for the next big climb up to the Old Man of Conistonm where competitors are rewarded with a sugary sweet before being turned around and sent on the home straight - five miles run - back to Langdale.

Even at this point the race was taking casualties and poor souls were having to register DNF (Did Not Finish).

Codina and Sale crossed the line in 10hrs 38mins and were winners of an Old County Tops mug for finishing first in their age category.