BURNDEN’S Paul Willan has been described as ‘The Accidental Runner’ by the podcast UK Run Chat and has shared his experiences on the airwaves this week.

From no running at all until 2007, he is now an Ultra-Marathon runner with 32-milers under his belt and an ambition to run the 50-mile Manchester to Liverpool race.

The 42-year-old has been a Burnden Road Runner since 2021 but by his own admission, was pretty unfit as a youngster. By 2007 he was a smoker, 18 stone and didn’t exercise.

However, in 2007 he was approached by a work colleague who asked him to go for a walk at lunchtime. That 1.5-mile walk proved to be life-changing. It became a daily walking club, which increased in membership as more colleagues joined in.

Slowly building up to a four-mile walk, Willan noticed the weight dropping off and it was a motivator at that point to keep going.

That turned into running and Willan admits something clicked for him in friendly competition with work colleagues He got the famous ‘running bug’ and his tip for others is to ‘start off really slowly and make it into a habit’.

In 2008, he entered his first race - a 10K in Birkenhead - and ran it for Cancer Research. He admits he paced it completely wrongly - setting off way too fast - but managed 56mins 15secs, and for two years he entered as many 10Ks as possible.

This grew and grew from running eight to nine miles to conquering the Leeds-Liverpool Canal (127 miles) over five weekends in 2010.

But he pushed himself too hard and fell out of love with running, giving it up and donating his running gear and the weight started to creep back on.

Then, in 2016, a catch-up with a cousin, led to him doing the Great North Run - and it led to return visits to the North East in 2021, 2022 and last year - 2022 being his best half-marathon time of 1:46:00.

Since joining Burnden Road Runners in 2021, he hasn’t looked back. He completed three separate 32-mile Ultras during 2022 and 2023 and now wants to qualify for the Burnden Road Runners Club Championship this year, complete a hilly GB Ultra race and ultimately conquer a Grand Slam - either five 50-milers or 100-milers in a year.

His story is one to inspire others.

In competitive action last week, three Burndeners were armed with head torches to conquer the 1,273 feet of elevation and 10 kilometres distance of Epic Events’ popular Petzl Night Run, at Rivington.

Vicki Hamer, Ravi Patel and Todd Cameron (running for Team Deane) all landed at the finish with great times of 1:14:07, 1:14:09 and 1:35:27, respectively, and were rewarded with a glow-in-the-dark medal and T-shirt.

Two of Burnden’s best were at the seaside on Sunday for the St Anne’s 10-miler.

Bernie Jones and Gillian McGowan enjoyed the pleasant route around Fairhaven Lake and following the promenade.

Jones was home in 1:32:31 and McGowan secured a PB as she was sub-2 hour in 1:59:10.

At the Stockport Daffodil 10K, Emma Walker ran a great race and achieved a sub-hour time of 59:23, while Tony Fulop crossed in a respectable 1:06:31.

At last week’s double whammy of cross country at Marls Pit, the Burnden results are in.

Results: Ladies - Verity Harrison 30:04, Anne Ferguson 31:19 (first in category), Gwen Kinloch 33:01 (second in category), Kathryn Baron 36:00, (third in category), Tony Fulop 45:48 (first in category); men - Matthew Dewhurst 36:36, Paul Duke 38:28, Gareth Doherty 41:36, Danny Glynn 42:04, Stephen Horsman 43:52, David Smith 50:55, Ged Turner 52:30.

At parkrun, Martin Whitehead was third overall at Bolton in 21:00 on a hilly course. Michael Kermode hit his 25 milestone and achieved a super fifth position at Bolton in a time of 21:24, while Suleman Badat took third male and fourth overall at Worsley Woods in an incredible 18:17.

Andrew Parkinson’s times continue to improve as he recovers from injury, crossing in 37:14 this week and knocking minutes from his 39:06 two weeks previously and 41:15 on January 6.

Other results: Bolton - Chris Worthington 23:21, Mark Cannon 23:39, Andrew Crawford 23:39, Ian Pudge 24:40, Jonathan Sangster 24:43, Sarah Watton (second lady) 24:43, Tom Stratton 25:58, Linda Doherty 29:37, Gareth Doherty 29:38, Nicola Halsall 31:24, Sarah Brown 31:34, Luke Newell 32:17, Philip Glassbrook 32:37, Paul Johnson 33:17, Steven Snape 34:53, Joyce Tyldesley 38:02, Katherine Baines 39:42, Vicki Hamer 46:15; Heaton Park - Mark Jackson 21:57, Gayle Gerrard 26:57; Hyndburn - Sue Thalange 40:17; Carlisle - Simon Marland 25:28, Sue Marland 34:07; Worsley Woods - Tony Woodiwiss 27:11; Haigh Woodland - Shirley Staveley 23:56; Alexandra, Moss Side - David Smith 22:36, Steven Walsh 23:02, Jenni Partington 26:40, Gareth Lowe 26:42, Mark Charlton 26:44, Mark Butler 31:12.