A Bolton School youngster has been shortlisted for a national netball award.

Petra Critchley, a Year 7 pupil from Bolton School Girls’ Division, has been nominated for the ENG Junior and Netball Player of the Year Awards 2023.

Petra plays Goal Attack or Goal Shooter for Kingsway Power Netball Club, Manchester Thunder, Lancashire County Netball and Bolton School.

And the nomination comes after a particularly strong 2023.

In June, she helped the Under-11 Kingsway Power Netball Club become national champions at a tournament in Essex, being awarded player of the tournament for her team and then overall player of the tournament, having scored 48 goals.

Her former junior school netball coach, Julia Marsden, said: “From the moment Petra stepped into Bolton School, it was evident that her dedication and natural athleticism set her apart.

“Petra possessed an innate ability to grasp techniques with remarkable ease, turning every netball session into a showcase of her prowess.

“What truly set her apart, however, was her unwavering commitment to improvement.

“Petra approached every lesson with a hunger for knowledge and an eagerness to refine her skills.

“As her coach, witnessing her evolve into a seasoned and accomplished netballer, was not only professionally fulfilling but also a testament to the incredible results that passion and hard work can yield.”

Meanwhile, Carol Laverick, her former headteacher at junior school, added: “Petra was very talented and very dedicated.

“I recall at one point she had to shoot 200 goals per day and she would video herself doing this as proof that she had done it!

“What’s more, she was also a fantastic team player and a real sportswoman.”

Petra first started playing netball in 2017 at the age of six, inspired by her elder sister Pippa’s passion for the sport.

Now aged 12, she trains an intense six days per week between her school team, Kingsway Power, Lancashire U13s’ Netball and Manchester Thunder. Most of her weekends are taken up with matches across these various teams.

Proud mum Rachel Critchley said: “As parents, we could not be more proud of how focused and driven she is to achieve excellence in her chosen sport of netball.

“Petra balances her athletic commitments incredibly well alongside academics and pours absolute dedication into every match.”

Petra’s ambitious long-term goal is to someday represent the senior England netball team, hopefully by the time netball joins the Olympic line-up.

Her fellow nominees play for Leeds Athletic, Sutton Town and Shan Netball Club with voting having closed at the end of January.

n ENG Sports UK was created in November 2018 to help encourage more competition in sports.