We always strive to keep our homes tidy, clean and most importantly, smelling nice.

A candle here or there usually helps with transforming a dull room into a cosy little space that can lift a mood.

However, some bad smells often sneak through whether that be through our fault or out of our hands entirely.

Some, or rather, the absence of some, can even prove fatal to us and should never be ignored.

With that in mind, here are the five smells to be aware of as per roofing and construction site StormGuard:

1. Smoke

If you smell smoke in your home, exit your home through the nearest door or window, and call 999. Don’t return to the home, and don’t worry about turning off the electricity, because your local fire department will shut off utilities when they arrive. It’s also critical to know what your smoke detector sounds like so you and your family will recognize it in the event of a fire. 

Another key smell that could indicate that you have an electrical short somewhere is a pungent “fish” smell. This smell often indicates that there’s a burning electrical implement somewhere in your home malfunctioning.

2. Rotten eggs

The smell of rotten eggs is instantly recognizable and can be an indicator of a serious problem in your home. The two most common sources of a rotten egg smell are a natural gas leak and escaping sewer gas.

In its natural state, natural gas is odourless. That’s why utility companies inject a substance called mercaptan, which emits an odour that smells like sulfur or rotten eggs. If there’s a very strong smell, you could have a substantial natural gas leak.

3. No smell

Out of all the dangers posed by substances in a home, one is particularly deadly and doesn’t contain any detection substances like mercaptan. Carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide doesn’t smell like anything, and yet it can be absorbed by the human body in minutes, leading to unconsciousness, illness, or death. This quick catastrophe is a nightmare for many parents.

Sources of carbon monoxide in a home can include space heaters, gas and wood stoves, fireplaces, and untuned car and truck engines.

4. Dirty socks

If you smell a musty or mouldy odour, you could have a mould problem—some people say that mould smells like dirty socks or feet. Mould can vary in severity from being merely an inconvenience to being dangerously toxic, so it’s important to address the issue immediately.

People with asthma and allergies can find that their symptoms are exacerbated by exposure to mould.

If you do find mould, disinfect non-porous substances like tile with a solution of bleach and water, and let it sit for a few minutes before venting the area.

How to prevent condensation in your home

5. Doggo

Finally, if you notice a wild, animal-like smell like a dog in need of a bath, you could have an animal or insect problem. Rodents and squirrels are both prone to getting trapped in neglected parts of a home like the attic or walls.

However, if the smell is a noxious, sickly smell, there is probably an insect nest or a dead animal trapped somewhere in the plumbing or air ducts. Call a professional or plumbing company to inspect your home’s systems and get your home back to smelling right.