A vaping industry expert has criticised the Government's potential plan to ban fruit-flavoured vapes, saying different restrictions are needed.

Neil Mclaren, the co-CEO at Vaping.com has said "it’s the government restrictions that are the problem, not flavours or colours”.

Public Health Minister Neil O'Brien is expected to make a speech next month calling for an investigation into the issue of the rise of younger people using vapes.

ITV News reported that a ban is being considered of the "addictive fruity flavours that have exploded in popularity in recent years."

In the UK it is illegal to sell vapes to under 18s, there are also strict limits on nicotine content, refill bottle and tank sizes, as well as restrictions on advertising and labelling.

The Bolton News: The government is looking into the rise of vapes being used by childrenThe government is looking into the rise of vapes being used by children (Image: PA)

Despite this research published last July found the proportion of children vaping is on the rise, with many being influenced by social media sites including TikTok.

Newer, disposable e-cigarettes are increasing in popularity, in part because they cost around £5 each and come in a wide range of colours and fruity flavours.

What did the vaping industry member say?

Mr Mclaren of Vaping.com said that fruity flavours are used "by many adults" which helps them to "stay on their nicotine replacement plan".

He went on: "The government stating that fruit-flavoured vapes and juices just target children is utter nonsense, with 79% of vapers surveyed agreeing that the enjoyment of flavours keeps them from turning back to cigarettes. 

"If the government is expecting more of the 6.6m people that currently smoke in the UK to stop by 2030 as part of their Smokefree initiative, and to still promote vaping among adults as an alternative to smoking, what message are they sending by suggesting the only flavour that can help them do so is tobacco - the same flavour that they’re trying to get away from that will drive vapers back to smoking traditional cigarettes. 

"This kind of government action, as we have seen with countless bans throughout history, only increases the black market in illicit and illegal products being manufactured to meet the unmet demand, which is a huge risk and somewhere none of us want to be.

"The government should instead be looking to make it illegal to sell vapes without a licence and enforce meaningful fines on shops caught selling products to anyone underage (much the same as alcohol), instead of punishing adults trying to stop smoking.”