A mum watched in horror as a man delivering a takeaway was attacked in Little Lever last night (Monday November 21).

The incident took place at around 11pm on Monday on Third Avenue.

According to residents the incident was allegedly carried out by a group of youths, but this is yet to be confirmed.

Violent disturbance breaks out in Moses Gate

Cllr Sean Hornby who represents Little Lever and Darcy Lever has confirmed the location and time of the incident and is continuing to find out more information.

The mum said she saw the incident unfold opposite her house.

She said: “It was outside my house he was dropping off a takeaway to a neighbour.

“I was terrified I had my daughter in my flat, and my partner had to scare them away and help the man.

“I was scared because the boys were still around.

“The whole street is awful.”

Her neighbour contacted police.

One villager posted on social media that the delivery driver was viciously attacked and if it was not for residents going out "he would of been unconscious or worse".

This is the latest violent incident in the village, with one mum robbed of her car at knifepoint and a brawl which resulted in a number of people taken to hospital.

Cllr Hornby said: "We have had issues on that estate for sometime now.

"Delivery drivers don't want to go down there and refuse to. We are working to resolve the issues but it is difficult. Residents are contacting me all the time saying the estate has changed so much.

"I will be finding out more about this incident."

In the summer firefighters were pelted with rocks and full beer cans as they tackled two suspected deliberately started fires, in the area known as the Dove Bank Estate.

Little Lever councillor holds talks with police

Cllr Hornby has written to the Chief Constable regarding the spate of incidents in Little Lever recently.

And a public meeting will be held on Thursday with high ranking officers and the local MP to discuss crime in Little Lever.

Police and North West Ambulance Services have been approached for comment.