A MOVING and poignant poem in tribute to murdered police officers Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone penned by a Bolton constable has been shared by thousands of people on the third anniversary of their deaths.

PC Amie Holland's words were posted on the GMP Federation Facebook Page on Friday, marking three years since the death of the two officers.

Colleagues across the force took time out to remember the two officers who were shot dead by wanted drug dealer Dale Cregan on September 18, 2012.

The poem written by the officer who works in the Bolton division poignantly highlights the "ultimate sacrifice" police officers, who serve with "pride and integrity" and with "no regrets".

It ends with the haunting words "But please don’t forget me, on parade I once sat,

"Just a girl who happened to wear a bobby’s hat."

Since being posted on the page, the poem had yesterday been shared by more than 4,260 people and received more than 8,000 likes.

GMP Federation posted: "Remembering our colleagues Fiona and Nicola

"Taken from us too soon on this day in 2012.

"But never forgotten.


Cregan was handed a whole-life jail sentence after he admitted luring PC Hughes, aged 23, and PC Bone, aged 32, to a house in Tameside before he killed the unarmed officers in a gun and grenade attack.


The alarm clock goes off, it’s early in the morn,

I rub my eyes as I let out a yawn.

As I dress my mind wonders of the day that lies ahead,

As I count the hours until I can return to my bed.

Another working day as I creep from my house,

Leaving loved ones to sleep, I’m as quiet as a mouse.

My car pulls from the drive, the radio blurs into life,

What will the day bring, what troubles, what strife?

There it is, my nick, I see it, I care,

As I pass by the badge I so proudly wear.

Vest on, belt on, to the parade room I go,

To my colleagues and friends, banter in full flow.

We’re briefed up and ready for the challenges of the day,

To serve and protect in every single way.

In our panda we patrol listening so carefully,

To the radio on which a call soon will there be.

And it comes, it’s inevitable, a job there for us,

A call for help, for the help of ‘the fuzz.’

“On route” I say as we continue to chat,

Most likely about refs or of this and of that.

All so quickly we arrive, to the house we draw near,

Then I see him, it’s him, I cannot move with fear.

The most wanted man standing here in front of me,

Then I see it, there’s a bang, all is still, this cannot be.

It’s dark, I’m alone, “What happened?” I say,

Why did this become that dreaded day?

I have a family, a life stretching out before me,

Though most just don’t see it, she’s just another PC.

Yes I have seen and done things that most of you fear,

For the job and the badge that I hold oh so dear.

But I’m not just a uniform, I’m a person too,

Yes I may be a bobby, but I’m someone’s daughter like you.

But today I have made the ultimate sacrifice,

With my life I have paid the largest price.

With pride and integrity, I did serve and protect,

Though at times it was hard and we were shown no respect.

But it was our job, off we went, so professional and formal,

Not knowing this day would be anything but normal.

I have no regrets, the service I willingly gave,

Day in and day out, I never saw it as brave.

And now I move on, new friends must I meet,

As I walk my shift on heaven’s beat.

But please don’t forget me, on parade I once sat,

Just a girl who happened to wear a bobby’s hat.

By PC Amie Holland, Bolton Division, Greater Manchester Police,

Written after the death of our beloved colleagues Fiona and Nicola in 2012