JUSSI Jaaskelainen, the longest serving and most loyal of Wanderers, revealed today why he has never been tempted to quit the Reebok - he has never been asked.

Despite repeated speculation linking the Finland international with other clubs - Manchester United and Arsenal have been mentioned in recent years - the Whites number one says no club has ever tried to tempt him away from Bolton.

Not that he would leave, even if he was given the opportunity.

Jaaskelainen joined Wanderers nine years ago and, for the last six, he has been their undisputed number one. He regards Bolton as his second home, it is where his three children were born and where he would happily see out the rest of his career - although he is honest enough to admit that he has never been put in the position to choose.

"There has never been anybody approach me or the club," he said. "So I've never had a thought about leaving because there has never been a need. I've never had those options.

"Everybody dreams of playing for top clubs but you may not have the chance. I'm just happy to be playing with Bolton, playing well and, hopefully, getting back into Europe next season, which is our main aim."

That is a situation that could change, if his form continues to improve, as it has, year-on-year since Colin Todd paid the Finland club, VPS Vassa, £100,000 to bring him to England in November 1997.

He was a raw talent in need of some expert tuition but, under the guidance of Wanderers goalkeeping coach, Fred Barber, and with a work ethic the majority of his team-mates could only marvel at, he soon established himself as a stopper with top flight potential.

Today he stands a giant in his trade - his heroics at Blackburn, where he saved two penalties in two minutes to secure a famous derby victory, prompted Sam Allardyce to describe him as Bolton's Peter Schmeichel.

He certainly has a reputation and a confidence that, in common with the former Manchester United legend, gives him the edge in any head to heads he encounters.

Allardyce, who credits his keeper's current form as one of the key factors in Wanderers' record-breaking start to the season, believes the partnership between Jaaskelainen and Barber is crucial to his continued development.

"Jussi is the opposite to most players in that you have to stop him training and tell him to take a rest," the manager said.

"He is successful because the programme put together by Fred is very important to him.

"Jussi has had a special relationship with Fred since he arrived here from Finland. He is now becoming more consistent because of the work they are putting in.

"You have to say that Jussi has been brilliant recently."

Jaaskelainen, whose talent is matched only by his modesty, considers it a compliment of the highest order to be compared with Petr Cech and Edwin van der Sar. But there is no danger of him allowing the praise to go to his head.

His only concern is to maintain his progress - with Wanderers, of course, unless someone makes an offer neither he nor the club can refuse.

"I am 31 so I should be approaching my peak as a goalkeeper," he said. "I just want to play consistently well and make fewer mistakes than last season.

"I am very happy here, but in football, you never know what might happen."