A MEMORIAL to a teenage road crash victim has been displayed on what would have been the girl’s 21st birthday.

Loved ones of Carla Bate put up the tribute at the site of the accident which took her life in August 2004.

Carla, aged 13, was walking past the junction of Albert Road and Longcauseway in Farnworth when a car hit her and killed her instantly.

Four months later, the driver, Stephen Lewis, was jailed for eight years at Bolton Crown Court after admitting causing death by dangerous driving.

In court it was revealed that Lewis, of Westland Avenue, Farnworth, had been drinking and was driving the car at more than 70mph.

Carla, of Primrose Avenue, Farnworth, had been at the junction with her pal Leanne Keegan.

The girls were best friends and classmates at Harper Green School in Farnworth.

Carla’s family lovingly maintained a tribute at the site of the crash for six years, but late last year, Bolton Council opened a memorial in Queens Park for all victims of road accidents and ruled that any roadside memorial would be removed after 30 days.

Carla would have turned 21 on Friday and relatives placed a pink banner and pink balloons at Longcauseway to mark the special day.

After her death, Carla’s parents Lynden, now aged 45 and Michaela, now aged 46, said: “Carla was a devoted daughter, sister and granddaughter who lived life to the full and she will be sadly missed.

“She was a fun and loving daughter and we will never forget her.”

Lewis was eligible to be freed on license four years into his sentence, which will expire in December.

The Bolton News was unable to contact Carla’s family yesterday.