A HEALTH centre worker groomed young girls for sexual abuse with trips to the seaside, cake baking sessions and horror movies, a court heard.

Malcolm Hicks, a caretaker at the Crompton Health Centre, would regularly have children as young as nine staying at his Tonge Fold home, where he touched them inappropriately, Bolton Crown Court was told.

Hicks, aged 50, of Hengist Street, denies seven counts of sexually assaulting children, attempted assault of a child, causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, three counts of sexual activity with a child and engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child.

The charges relate to a 10-year-old girl, two 11- year-olds and a 13-yearold girl. All the offences are said to have taken place during the school holidays or at weekends in summer last year.

Henry Blackshaw, prosecuting, told the court that Hicks, who is single, began befriending young girls and would take them on trips to McDonald’s, Southport and Blackpool in his people carrier, gaining their trust and inviting groups of them to spend the night his home, where he allowed them to watch horror films.

“It was all to draw them into his company and to create an environment and opportunity for him to systematically abuse them,” said Mr Blackshaw.

On one occasion he is said to have attempted to sexually assault a 10- year-old girl and another time he is alleged to have simulated a sex act upon himself in front of a group of the girls.

All the alleged abuse took place at Hicks’ home, apart from one occasion when he is said to have pinned an 11- year-old girl up against a wall inside the Crompton Health Centre, Astley Bridge before sexually assaulting her. The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told the court: “He took me to this dark place and then he gave me some money.”

Mrs Blackshaw said Hicks “flattered and manipulated” the girls so they did not tell anyone outside the group about his behaviour. But it came to light when a nine-year-old girl, who had also been at Hicks’ home, revealed what was happening to a teacher, who alerted the authorities.

Hicks was arrested and admitted the girls stayed at his home and they engaged in play fighting, but denied abusing them.

The trial continues.