A HARD-HITTING film, starring two Bolton students, has been launched to warn youngsters about the dangers of swimming in reservoirs.

During 2010 and 2011, there were 12 deaths and 24 injuries in open water in Greater Manchester.

In the online film, Stewart Crank, aged 18, from Great Lever, plays the part of a teenage boy who decides to swim in a local reservoir while trying to impress a girl, played by 21-year-old Chelsea Edge, from Farnworth.

Stewart, an A-level student at Canon Slade School, said: “You just don’t realise how dangerous swimming in a reservoir can be.

“It was a hot day when we filmed the scenes, but the water was freezing cold and it really does take your breath away.

“I can understand why even the strongest of swimmers can get into trouble, just like my character did.”

It is part of a campaign, launched by United Utilities, who made the film, and emergency services from across the North West — including Bolton Fire and Rescue.

As part of yesterday’s launch, firefighters re-enacted a water rescue with their boat crew at Jumbles Reservoir in Bradshaw.

Ian Bailey, borough manager for Bolton Fire and Rescue, said: “On hot days a lot of people come to reservoirs like Jumbles and think that the water is a safe place to cool off, especially if they are under the influence of alcohol.

“But the water here is freezing and it doesn’t take long for someone to get into difficulty.

“The message is clear: don’t go in the water in the first place.

“Not only do you put your own life in danger, but also the firefighter trying to rescue you.”

Mark Byard, United Utilities’ health and safety manager, added: “If you lose a life in a computer game you just start again. But real life isn’t like that.

“By combining realistic footage of a drowning incident with gaming style graphics, we wanted to hit home with teenagers that swimming in reservoirs is no game.”