GO Fairtrade and show off about it — that is the message from Bolton’s Fairtrade movement.

Bolton is gearing up to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight, which runs between February 28 and March 13, and the theme of this year’s events is “show off your label”, meaning show off about supporting Fairtrade.

The fortnight is being backed by Bolton Wanderers and the Mayor, Cllr John Byrne.

There will be a host of events over the two weeks, including a market and coffee morning.

Jim Hollyman, co-ordinator of Fairtrade Bolton, said: “Come and join in the fun — knowing that by buying some products that carry the Fairtrade label, you are helping to promote justice in trade, both locally and across the world.”

Events include a free Fairtrade coffee morning at Bolton Town Hall on Tuesday, March 1, from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Bolton Wanderers will warm up in Fairtrade T-shirts before playing Aston Villa, on Saturday, March 5, and a Fairtrade and local produce market will be held at Festival Hall, on Saturday, March 12, from 10am to 1.30pm.

Schools are also getting involved, with children taking part in Fairtrade workshops and creating a huge Fairtrade logo at the Reebok Stadium on March 3.

Teachers are invited to a free event at Bolton College, with Harriet Lamb, chief executive officer of the Fairtrade Foundation, on March 8.

The University of Bolton, which is now a Fairtrade university, will hold quizzes on Mondays, February 28 and March 7, at the Loft Bar, from 7.30pm, with a cake stall at the Chancellors Mall on Friday, March 11. A recipe booklet is also being produced.

Bolton Wanderers manager Owen Coyle said: “We have always had a great relationship with Fairtrade and we are delighted to be involved with them again this year.”

Cllr John Byrne, patron of Fairtrade during his time as mayor along with wife, Cllr Lynda Byrne, said: “The mayoress and I are great believers in Fairtrade products and we would encourage everyone to buy these.”

For more information, visit boltonfairtrade.org.uk or fairtrade.

org.uk By supporting Fairtrade, people are helping secure better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.