Now just because the showcase is over doesn't mean that there are no more gigs for a year.

In fact tonight we have both Dream Atlantic at The Alma and perennial punk faves the Inde-30s at the New Bergeracs. ThirtyOneLines will be making bags of noise at the Night and Day Cafe in Manchester, and Displacement have managed to make it all the way to Preston to play at the General Havelock (see for details).

Then the tireless Van Diddley (that's Van Morrisson meets Bo Diddley) carry on doing their thang tomorrow at the Man and Scythe, while the Dog and Partridge hosts Corinthians and pals.

A month after their now infamous first birthday party (it's taken that long for the hangovers to settle down), it is with somewhat heavy hearts that Death 2 The DJ return to Bolton with Strokes-influenced neo-rock and roll survivalist Boston-ites Baby Strange, pictured, supported by Cardinal Saviour, Chimneys, and Wigan's You Remind Me of Rasputin, also tomorrow. The gig was initially scheduled to be held at Number 15, before the popular venue's shocking and untimely closure.

Finally this week, Thursday sees The Other Side, sadly missing Mr Paul Cromwell, who is off to adventures new, playing at The Three Crowns. It's posh in there now, you know.