WHILE totally agreeing in principle with the victim surcharge in court sentences, I beg to ask to which victims is this money to go to.

I know I will receive flak over this but the question has to be asked, especially when we see a motorist was fined, paid costs and then had the £15 victim surcharge on top of that.

His crime, having the wrong type of number plates on his car. Just who is the victim of his crime other than himself?

He bought the fancy plates and now has to pay for another, legal, set of plates. Therefore, he is the victim of his own crime so he should get the £15 back.

The other point in all this is that I never read of a victim surcharge being put on burglars, or muggers, rapists or people who commit crimes of violence, surely these offences all have victims, whereas a lot of motorists are given the fine when there is no victim to be found.

Desmond Magurk Bolton