A NEPHEW who attacked his uncle with a knife has been sent to prison indefinitely.

Aaron Hamer repeatedly stabbed Lionel Pilkington after smashing a cup over his head.

Judge Elizabeth Steel said Hamer posed a significant risk of harm and passed an indeterminate sentence for public protection.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that Hamer, aged 28, of Lynwood Grove, Atherton, had previously assaulted his uncle but Mr Pilkington had not reported the matter to the police.

But on October 13 last year, Hamer repeatedly stabbed his uncle, who was taken to hospital.

Hamer pleaded guilty to wounding Mr Pilkington with intent and assaulting him causing actual bodily harm.

Philip Astbury, prosecuting, told the court that Hamer moved in his uncle in September last year and within a week, "a conversation developed between them and he punched his uncle to the head knocking him unconscious".

Mr Pilkington suffered a black eye and swollen cheek but refused to complain to the police.

On October 13, Hamer was agitated and became increasingly distressed and smashed a cup over Mr Pilkington's head, causing a cut.

"Mr Pilkington became aware of a knife in the defendant's hand," Mr Astbury said.

"He doesn't remember being stabbed but remembers him threatening to stab him."

Police were called and found Mr Pilkington had been stabbed repeatedly in the left shoulder, which needed eight stitches.

His left foot had also been injured and he had lacerations to his scalp from the cup.

He was kept in hospital overnight.

Paul Becker, defending, said that Hamer, who has no previous convictions for violence, lost his temper for which he was bitterly sorry.

A psychiatric report showed that he was not suffering from an mental disorder.