MOVE over Angelina, Sandra and Cameron — there’s a new big screen star in town.

But unlike the Hollywood sirens, this celebrity doesn’t need hours of preening before she makes an appearance.

For the latest long-legged lovely to appear in a 3D film is none other than Rosie Webster — the tarantula whose appearance in a Bolton garden sparked fears that a horde of spiders could be on the loose.

Rosie, who was so named by the manager of BugWorld Experience in Liverpool after one of his favourite soap characters, will appear in a groundbreaking new film designed to help arachnophobics get over their fear of the furry fiends. The film was produced by Sky with help from BugWorld Experience — where Rosie now lives — as part of the UK’s first arachnophobia therapy programme.

It stars television presenter Denise Van Outen, and is narrated by former Bolton School Boys’ Division pupil Ralf Little, both of whom have admitted to having extreme fears of spiders.

Rosie was among a range of bugs, including common house spiders and the nastier false widows, to be filmed.

But while she was perfectly happy to show off for the camera — and get up close and personal with Denise — some of the other spiders were a little more reluctant.

Sky’s creative director Neil Torbit said: “We wanted to get a shot of loads of spiders in the bath but we also needed props in the bath to give it the 3D depth it needed.

“Of course all the spiders hid under the props! We had four people trying to coax them out with sticks as well as blowing them with straws.

“In the shot you can only see about 12 spiders but there are actually about 25 in there somewhere.”

The film is being shown at BugWorld Experience in the buildup to the consumer launch of Sky 3D on October 1.