Gary Megson’s inability to win over the fans made him unsuitable to manage Wanderers, according to Jussi Jaaskelainen.

The veteran goalkeeper believes the supporters’ refusal to accept the former Bolton boss made his job impossible from the start.

Jaaskelainen has lifted the lid for the first time on how much the fans’ dislike of Megson unsettled the players – and admits his own form suffered as a result.

The big Finn, who had no problem with the former manager himself, was stunned at how unpleasant things became under Megson. And he will never forget the poisonous atmosphere at the Reebok in his final game in charge when the home crowd turned on him after Wanderers’ threw away a two-goal lead against Hull.

“The Hull game was the low point,” said Jaaskelainen. “We drew the game 2-2 after being 2-0 up. He made a couple of changes at 2-1 and we were still cruising, but suddenly everything turned.

“It wasn’t very nice but if that’s what the fans wanted, that’s what they will do. That’s why they come and pay and we have to respect them. But that was a key point for getting a new manager.

“Gary Megson was never suitable to the fans and that was why we got a new manager.

“The fans are happy now and that’s the key thing and gives the players the confidence to enjoy their football.

“Since the new manager came in the players have had confidence and he gets the best out of them. He knows how to manage players.”

And Jaaskelainen reckons the problems off the pitch had a negative impact on his own performances. The 35-year-old, who has just completed his 13th season at the club, added: “I personally expect a little bit better from myself next season. If I look at the whole picture I’m a little disappointed. I started all right but Christmas was tough.

“It’s not easy going into a game when, I wouldn’t say we were getting abused, but people are not happy with the manager. It does play on your mind. The fans put pressure on the players and, in the position we were in, it was difficult.

“When the new manager came, things changed and it was a very enjoyable second part of the season.”