IT could easily have been maths, RE or history, but when primary school pupils were asked which lesson they found the most boring, they came up with an unexpected answer . . . geography.

It was a result that left surprised teachers vowing to do something to make the subject more appealing.

Now 10 schools in Bolton have launched a scheme to make lessons in the subject more fun, while raising standards and achievement.

As part of the new approach, children from the schools took a trip "Around the World in a Day", with lessons themed on a continent they were studying.

Pupils then visited other schools to find out more about their topics.

Those taking part were Harwood Meadows, Hardy Mill, Eagley Junior, St Columba RC, St John RC, St Maxentius CE, Egerton, Eagley Infant, Christ's Church CE and Walmsley CE Primary.

Jane Birch, networking learning co-ordinator at Harwood Meadows, where pupils are studying Asia, said: "The idea of networking learning to involve all schools and share ideas came from the headteachers.

"Children visited a different school to learn more about the continent that school had been studying.

"We visited Walmsley, which picked Australia. The children learned about the traditional costumes, picked up facts about the country and tasted the food."

During their visit, each school was given a jigsaw piece to take to Eagley Junior School, where they met to create a map of the world.

"The children really seemed to enjoy the day and and we are hoping to do the same with other lessons," said Mrs Birch.

The next lesson earmarked to have some fun injected into it is RE.

Kate Howarth, aged 11, of St John's RC Primary, said: "It is boring reading maps in class. This made it much more interesting.

"There should more days like this, especially for science."

Put yourself to the test

1 The indigenous population of Australia are known as what?
2 What is the capital of India??
3 Which river is the longest in the world??
4 Would you expect to find a wild polar bear in the North or South Pole??
5 Which countries make up the United Kingdom?

Answers 1 Aborigines, 2 New Delhi, 3 Nile 4 North Pole, 5 England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland