MORE than 100 anti-social behaviour orders have been issued to louts and persistent offenders across Bolton.

A total of 102 yobs have been made the subject of orders in the town since 2001, according to figures released by the Home Office.

The figures also show 7,356 ASBOs have been granted by courts across the country including 1,045 in Greater Manchester, which tops the national table.

Chief Insp Martin Greenhalgh of Bolton Police said: "Asbos are a crucial tool for us in tackling the most persistent offenders in Bolton. When they are used properly, they are very effective in making sure that those responsible for causing misery to others can be put behind bars."

Most of Bolton's Asbos have been issued in the last two years 44 during 2004 and 38 last year.

But Chief Insp Greenhalgh said the orders were being reserved for the most serious troublemakers.

"Bolton is very particular about its use of Asbos, because we find a more structured approach to dealing with offenders has a greater impact," he said. "We have used Acceptable Behaviour Contracts to give offenders a chance to comply with the law, and if they breach them we can present the courts with evidence of a pattern of offending."

Among the offenders served with ASBOs are car thieves, shoplifters, racists and nuisance neighbours. They have been made subject to a range of conditions, including bans on threatening or abusive behaviour and night-time curfews. Some shoplifters are banned from Bolton town centre. Anyone who breaches an Asbo faces a maximum of five years in prison.

Home Office minister Hazel Blears said: "Today's statistics show local authorities, the police and the courts are not hesitating to use Asbos."