CLLR Andy Morgan made an attack on the Labour Group, regarding our approach to the last month's annual budget meeting (Letters, Monday, March 6).

He says we showed our true colours. He has accused us as having a "will we, won't we" approach to the return of the weekly grey bin collection. He says we don't have a clue what our policies are.

We wholeheartedly refute these allegations. The rhetoric of the Tories shows how little they have thought through any realistic policy proposals. We pledge that, should you return us as the largest party following the local elections - "We Will Return Your Weekly Grey Bin Collection".

At the last budget meeting the Conservatives had nothing constructive to offer. If they had believed in returning the weekly grey bin collection, they would have provided an alternative budget. They did not, nor did they have any idea how much their policies would cost, or how they would pay for them. We have costed our plans for a return to the weekly grey bin collection and we know there is flexibility in next year's budget to deliver them.

Cllr Morgan also correctly observed that the Conservative Group voted against the budget, but as a responsible opposition we realise that a budget had to be passed in order to ensure the continuation of essential services. These services can be vital to the lives of those from vulnerable parts of the community.

Our approach stands in contrast to that of the Tories' who are happy to play politics with the lives of vulnerable residents who often depend on the services of this council. These are sections of the community that the Tories either don't know about, or choose to ignore.

We believe the residents of Bolton need value for money, but for the Conservatives who either don't understand or don't care about vulnerable residents this means cuts to key services. Only this week the Tories have let it slip that should they ever gain power, they will cut services by as much as £47bn.

Cllr Cliff Morris

Leader of the Labour Group