THE swift action of staff at an old folk's home in Radcliffe helped to contain a fire and save residents from injury.

A cigarette, left in a plant pot by a short-term resident, is thought to have set fire to the dry roots of the plant in the early hours of last Friday, spreading to a window sill and curtain at Whittaker House.

The small blaze was contained by fire crews and the property sustained minor damage. The seven residents in the home in Whittaker Street had to be moved to a different zone inside, while the fire was put out, but no-one had to be evacuated.

Linda Jackson, assistant director for adult care services, said: "As a result of the very swift action of my team, the property was evacuated according to the procedure and it was a very smooth operation. I would like to thank everyone involved and assure service users and their families that we will continue to maintain and review our high safety standards."

Risk assessment has been reviewed, and arrangements have been put in place for people who want to smoke but are memory impaired.