VANDALS snapped 25 young trees in a primary school's mini-woodland.

The trees, which were planted last autumn, have had to be dug up.

And Naomi Richardson, headteacher of Eatock Primary School, Daisy Hill, said she was heartbroken and sickened to discover the yobs had killed the saplings.

She said: "The children are angry and upset their woodland has been attacked. We wanted the children to grow up environmentally conscious.

"The trees, all British native species, were paid for through school funds and fund-raisers involving the pupils' parents. They would have been beautiful.

"They were living things and we don't know how anyone can get their kicks through doing such a thing."

Staff first noticed that two trees had been snapped at the beginning of December.

Miss Richardson hoped the mini-woodland would have been safe during the Christmas holidays, but returned to find many more damaged.

"The final few were destroyed this week," she said.

"The trees would have been our legacy to the school and future generations of pupils.

"Also, the neighbours who live nearby could have enjoyed the view.

"We don't know if they can be replaced - we feel like we have been wasting our time.

"We just have to battle on."

Miss Richardson said teenagers who regularly throw rubbish into the school pond may be to blame.

She said: "We have our gates open during the evening because of after school clubs and classes, so the teenagers can get on site.

"The teenagers like to hang out on our climbing frame, smoking and drinking alcohol."