MOTORISTS are becoming increasingly frustrated by traffic wardens booking cars parked on "hidden" yellow lines.

Lines outside Redbank Health Centre in Unsworth Street, Radcliffe, have been left partially covered with leaves since the start of autumn, and drivers are struggling to see where they can and cannot park.

Mr George Launders, of Osborne Walk, Radcliffe, said: "Drivers cannot see where the lines start and finish. They are not continuous and people are becoming increasingly confused about where they can park. And when you can see the lines, the paint has crumbled so much, there is no longer a full solid line."

Mr Launders also claims that the signs which give details of where cars can park, and when, cannot be seen clearly either.

He added: "People are being left frustrated because they end up with a ticket on their windscreen. But the lines are not clear enough for people to see. Just the other day, I saw a woman down here who was very upset. She had been booked but she hadn't realised when she left her car to nip into the chemist."

Mr Launders says he has brought this issue up with Bury Council before, but is yet to see anything be done about it.

A spokesman for Bury Council said: "The lines are perfectly adequate for enforcement but will be renewed to avoid further confusion."