With reference to the £90,000 being spent on Bolton's new image - this is not on.

I read with great astonishment, but yet no surprise, that this council is wasting £90,000 on new signs and advertising for the borough. What a complete waste of council tax payers' money by this council who as usual have no regard for the council tax payers of this town.

Ask yourself what could £90,000 buy in real terms? It could have bought 58,064 school meals which would equate to 1,528 children's having free school dinners for a year.

It could have paid for 18 classroom assistants in our schools, or special needs assistants. It could have been used to clean up our streets which are a complete disgrace.

This council could have spent £90,000 on resurfacing some of our roads in the town which are in need of urgent maintenance that haven't been looked at since this Liberal administration came to power.

Ask any motorist that drives up Market Street, Farnworth, or a commuter who drives along Chorley new Road from Bolton School to the junction of Victoria Road. The main roads in this town are a disgrace. At least when Labour ran this town maintenance on our main roads was carried out.

This administration run by the Liberals has its priorities wrong. It has spent millions since it came into power on consultants fees. What in the world are we paying our directors and officers of this council to do.

This administration argued that we had to give our directors and senior officers a substantial pay rise if it wanted to have the best to do the job.

If that is the case, then why oh why is it still spending large sums of money on consultancy firms to give them advice?

The honeymoon period is over. It is vital that the people of our town speak out against what this council is doing.

Sean Hornby

Elder Drive

Darcy Lever
