JEWISH motherhood is the subject for a book event at Manchester Jewish Museum this weekend.

Co-editors of the recently published For Generations: Jewish Motherhood, Mandy Ross and Ronne Randall, will talk about how the idea for the book came about.

The book has been published by Five Leaves Publications of Nottingham and is an exploration of the experience of Jewish motherhood across the spectrum, from the religious to the secular communities.

Whether in Israel or the Diaspora, maintaining tradition or creating a new ritual, the writings show Judaism in all its diversity being handed from one generation to the next.

The event will be held at the museum in Cheetham Hill Road on Sunday between 3pm and 5pm and chaired by local author Adele Geras. Two other contributors to the book, Susie Kaufman and Isobel Braidman, will read excerpts from their work. Admission is free but tickets need to be booked in advance; call (0161) 834 9879.