OK so a few cyclists ride on the footpath ('Cyclists should not use the pavements', Letters, September 22). The question your correspondant Mr Ryder should be more concerned with is why?

The footpath cyclist is frightened to ride on the road because of speed, volume and the inconsiderate motorist.

It is very rare to see a cyclist on the footpath where there are adequate cycle lanes on the road or where vehicle speed limits are rigorously enforced.

So to encourage cyclists off the pavements let's have more good quality cycle lanes.

Mr Ryder says pavements are for the use of pedestrians only. I only wish this was true. The most dangerous vehicles on our footpaths are not bikes but cars, vans and heavy goods vehicles.

One cannot travel anywhere in the borough and not be threatened by vehicles pulling on to the pavement, often at speed.

Once on the footpath they are left littering an area, often making passage impossible for wheelchair users, mobility scooters, pushchairs, and prams. It is not common to see these most vulnerable of pedestrians forced on the open road.

Finally, I would draw Mr Ryder and all motorists to 218 in the Highway Code - Do not park partially or wholly on the pavement.

