IN response to Mrs C Salmon wondering how long we have to wait before we get speed cameras on Lumb Carr Road? ('Driver was still in hospital', Letters, September 22).

Basically, government criteria require, that without special circumstances, a camera will only be considered if four people have been killed or seriously injured in the previous three years.

Unfortunately there are significant numbers, popular tabloids among them, who believe that cameras are a "stealth tax".

Also there are some very powerful people who believe that motorised traffic should be allowed to move as fast and freely as possible and take precedence over human traffic ie pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.

Charities such as RoadPeace and Brake, mainly made up from bereaved families, are campaigning to overturn this line of thinking: speeding fines are a voluntary contribution that go into helping educate about safe, considerate and responsible road use, hence reducing road casualties.

As for Lex Luther (Friendly wave to a fellow driver, Letters, September 22), I will sell my car when Im satisfied that it has served its purposes. Namely, when all schools, are surrounded by a protective 20mph speed limit, when 30 means 30, and when the wholly inconsiderate 60mph speed limit on rural roads, that are shared with pedestrians, cyclists and horseriders, is reduced to a far safer and less intimidating speed.

In fact, when we can see pleasant put back into our green and pleasant land, for a small donation to RoadPeace, I'll give my car away.

And I will certainly keep a look out for Lex's "friendly wave". Maybe we will get to find out who the boroughs arch-villian actually is. I wonder if he also gives the "friendly wave" to people who campaign against drug and alcohol abuse, and all our other anti-social killer-ills.

Allan Ramsay