MR and Mrs Darroch made some valid points in their letter regarding Birtenshaw (September 19), and two in particular, concerning associated facilities and private financing, need clarification.

Some years ago, the vociferous majority fought to save the fields of Birtenshaw, but unfortunately 30 acres were lost to development. So contrary to Mr Leathams comments (September 21) that the Barratt battle is well gone, some residents are still suffering from its aftermath.

However, the remainder of Birtenshaw farmland is covenant protected by decree, with Bolton Council being custodian.

The silent majority of the past two decades wish to keep this meadowland. This was intended by the local benefactors who voiced their wishes to conserve it as a private open space for the community and wildlife.

Messrs Leatham and Luxton are careful to concentrate on football pitches. Is that to woo support from those who have not studied the details of planning application number 71687, which calls for changing rooms, toilets, restaurant / cafe, aquarium pond, new shared access road and large car parks?

Olive M Kenyon

Laburnum Park
