ARNOLD Harrison (Letters, Tuesday, September 20) accuses his "arch enemy" Sky TV of stealing from him his cricket coverage.

Unfortunately, he is aiming his criticism at the wrong target.

Previously, important cricket matches had been protected by government charter, and, along with certain other sporting events, were declared heritage events that would be available on terrestrial TV.

However, the England and Wales Cricket Board lobbied government to be removed from the Heritage List to allow them to sell to the highest bidder.

Therefore the guilty parties are jointly the ECB and the government. If Mr. Harrison is as upset as he seems to be he should write to the England Cricket Board and also his MP. However the reply he receives from the ECB probably will say that they needed the extra £ 100 million they are getting from Sky to continue crickets progress at grass roots level.

Sky may be guilty of many things but if Mr Harrison wants cricket back on terrestrial TV then he must contact the guilty parties and in this case its not Sky.

David O'Keeffe

Chatsworth Grove,

Little Lever