A WEB-enabled electronic tendering system is being launched for companies hoping to do business with Bury Council.

This new way of tendering for work is being introduced by the local authority along with the development of a "how to" guide to provide potential suppliers with an insight into how the council buys its good, services and works. The authority wants to make its business more attractive and accessible to suppliers in all sectors.

Bury Council is aiming to encourage more companies, both large and small, to compete for its business. Topics covered by the guide include the information that will be requested from suppliers; the tender process; electronic trading and the rules and regulations that the local authority need to follow in awarding contracts.

Also available is a list of current contracts and a link to the councils e-tendering system where current and potential suppliers can view forthcoming opportunities. By introducing the e-tendering system, the council is enabling the full tendering process to be conducted electronically. This will include the electronic receipt and submission of quotations and tenders over a secure connection.

Sarah Janusz, local authority corporate procurement manager, said "All that suppliers need to access the guide and use the e-tendering system is internet access and an e-mail address. But paper versions of documentation will continue to be made available where necessary."

Anyone wishing to view the guide and access the system should go to www.bury.gov.uk/bury/businesswithus or ring corporate procurement on (0161) 253 5744.