MANY residents of Walshaw and Tottington will have recently received through their letter boxes, requests from local estate agents asking them if they would like to sell their property in a much sought-after area.

What certainly needs to be "sought-after" are the vermin who indulge in acts of vandalism, offences against property and person, theft, and general anti-social behaviour which is all too prevalent in society today. Tottington is not immune from such acts.

In the Bury Times in the last few weeks we have read about the damage to parks and gardens, to cars and property, and no doubt some of this can be linked to drug and alcohol abuse and excess.

However, I would venture to suggest that the current problems in Tottington, Walshaw and elsewhere in Bury, run much deeper and require further analysis.

In my opinion, the decline of social cohesion has been driven forward by a climate created by successive governments - one which rewards self interest and individual aggression; a weakening of the church and family values, the decline in moral values, greed, and the constant pressure to acquire material possessions - all of these are contributing to a rising level of crime.

In this area of debate, Tottington is not exempt from the causes of the problem, which leaves so many of the real victims bitter and resentful. No wonder there is an increasing public demand for tougher sentences and a change in the legislation. This is a result of public fear and disillusionment with the system.

Given the problems now being experienced in Tottington and elsewhere, the media, and the Bury Times in particular, can play a central role in informing public debate, and in providing an update and news on what is of current local and national concern.