NATURE may have battered their blooms, but dahlia growers still managed to put on a colourful display at the Grey Mare Dahlia Society annual show.

Several enthusiasts were devastated when gale-force winds and heavy rain ruined some of their prize blooms in the week before the show at Tottington Road Methodist Church Hall, Harwood. But despite the setback, 17 exhibitors from across the North-west turned up with 346 blooms - a greater number than last year.

Show manager Philip Yates said: "Entries would have been much higher but for the particular struggle some of us had to keep things going the week before."

During Saturday afternoon, after judging by John Parkinson, more than 200 members of the public visited the hall to admire the flowers on display.

Prizes were presented later in the day, then the blooms were sold.

The main winners were: National Dahlia Society silver medal for best exhibit - Brian Warriner, NDS bronze medal for best vase of dahlias in show - Brian Warriner, NDS bronze medal of dahlias in the small growers section - Philip Yates, most points in the open section - Brian Warriner, most points in the small growers section - Philip Yates, best children's exhibit - Laura Wignall.