SHOPPERS are going absolutely potty this week with a Lancashire Pot Fair visiting Bolton for the first time.

The fair is selling china cups and plates, crystal models, and animal ornaments.

Famous names, including Wedgwood, Royal Doulton, Royal Grafton, Crown Derby, and Royal Stafford, jostle with not-so-famous ones.

And hundreds of people have had a looked around so far as the touring fair, which has been held for the past 20 years, displays its china and glass.

The pot fair started in Preston more than a century ago, and the stalls are the genuine Victorian units originally used.

Arthur Bloor, of the National Market Traders Federation, teamed up with the Bolton Town Centre Company to bring the fair to the town.

Mr Bloor said: "Shopping at markets has slowly diminished because of so many different factors, but we are slowly trying to bring it back.

"A market is the heart of a town, and without markets, towns will die. They're very important, and this is just like an original pot fair."

The pot fair will be in Victoria Square, in Bolton town centre, until Friday.