IT'S a kind of magic to see just how much Bolton's Paul Sykes looks like a rock legend . . .

In fact, Paul looks so much like his musical hero, the late Freddie Mercury from Queen, that a London-based agency has signed him up.

The performer who mimes on stage to Queen songs will perform in front of a home crowd on Monday when he is star guest at Ritzy's night club's Super Seventies Disco Night.

Paul, from Deane, has been doing his act for three years. DJ Jason Reeve, who has helped guide him said: "It started as a bit of a laugh but since then demand for him has really taken off.

"He has studied videos of how Freddie moves and acts and has him off to perfection. He has even spent large amounts of money on having clothes especially made.

"Not only that, but when he walks down the street people shout 'Freddie' after him, the resemblance is so great - it's just a good thing he is a fan."

Paul, who hopes his lookalike act may turn into a full-time career, will appear on stage at about midnight.

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