RUGBY League sources continue to tout Wigan Warriors as future lodgers at the Wanderers' new stadium.

Despite unveiling an £1l million redevelopment plan for Central Park, which would involve ground sharing with Wigan Athletic, there are serious doubts down by the riverside that the scheme will ever get off the ground.

The ambitious project is the brainchild of Dave Whelan, the Latics' owner and chairman, who has offered to buy Central Park for £4.5 million, clearing the rugby club's debts of £3 million.

But the Warriors' directors have still to finalise an agreement, leaving Whelan frustrated and fuelling speculation that the giants of the 13-a-side code will eventually pursue their preferred option of moving to Horwich and enjoying the benefits of the £30 million-plus super stadium.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.