THE pin-up girl for the 'Thrill-ennium' Melinda Messenger sent temperatures soaring in the Jungle last night!

The curvy blonde model from Swindon, who shot to stardom after posing for pictures advertising double glazing in her home town, was mobbed by fans in Bolton.

Melinda, 26, was appearing at The Jungle nightclub in Kay Street as part of a nationwide tour. She signed autographs and posed for pictures with her admirers.

One fan, Neil Harwood, of Campbell Street, Farnworth, asked her to sign his arm - and she duly obliged.

But she declined an offer to perform a song: "I can't sing," she said.

"I won't be following in Samantha Fox's footsteps!"

Melinda, who still lives in her home town and has so far shunned the bright lights of London, was due to marry fiance Wayne earlier this year, but the wedding was postponed because her work schedule was so hectic.

Tony Blyth, general manager and licensee of the Jungle, said today: "The night went brilliantly. As far as I am concerned Melinda is the best page three girl in the business and everyone had a great time."

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