HASNEY Aljofree was already in illustrious company before he made his impressive debut in the thick of the Reebok action last week...very illustrious company indeed.

The young Wanderer is a 'stablemate' of none other than Paul Gascoigne, sharing the services of top advisor, Mel Stein.

It's an unlikely connection but explained by the fact that Aljofree was one of an illustrious group of youngsters who played together in the England Under 18s. And Stein, in common with many of the top agents, is as keen to get good young talent on his books as he is to handle the affairs of his most famous client.

"I think just about everyone came through from that England team," says the Bolton youngster.

"Lee Bowyer (Leeds), Rio Ferdinand (West Ham) and Stephen Clemence (Spurs) were some of the most famous. But most of the others have played in the league now."

Aljofree had been on the fringe of a Bolton debut for much of the season, getting as close as the subs' bench on five occasions before Colin Todd gave him his big chance against Blackburn. He impressed enough to keep his place at Derby - just as he'd hoped.

Those England appearances at Youth level and the fact that he's a Manchester lad born and bred would suggest that there is only one path for young Aljofree to take.

But the name that sparked curiosity among the Press corps after he'd played his part in Saturday's derby win is the clue to where his international career might be steered.

Though his father is from Singapore (his mother is English) he is of Middle East extraction and young Hasney is qualified to play for Saudi Arabia.

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