Woman to be first Mayor of Bolton Metro

A WOMAN is to be first Mayor of the new Bolton Metropolitan District Council. She is Counc. Mrs Doris Berry, of The Nurseries, Hulton Lane, Deane, who has been a member of Bolton Town Council for 19 years. The Mayoress will be her daughter, Mrs Winifred Boyes.

Israel and Egypt today signed an agreement for the disengagement and separation of their forces, just three months after the end of the October war.


From the Evening News, January 17, 1949

ALTHOUGH the position is stated officially to be 'slightly better' than at this time last year, the shortage of nurses in Bolton hospitals is still acute, and the town needs 27 trained nurses, 70 student nurses, 12 enrolled assistant nurses, 20 pupil midwives, and some part-time nurses, in addition to the present number, if local hospitals are to have their full establishment, and the 1,669 beds at present available are to be retained. It is estimated in some quarters that the town needs 500 more beds.

MR E. Herford, the Coroner for Manchester, held an inquest on Friday on the body of John Nevine (44), night watchman at a mill, who died recently from hydrophobia. About six months ago the deceased was bitten in the left thumb by a dog. The wound was cauterised several times, and a poultice put on it for five weeks, shortly after the end of which period it completely healed up and the deceased continued in excellent health until about a fortnight ago. He then became weak and low in spirits, refusing both food and drink. The weakness increasing, he was confined to bed, and on Thursday was moved to the Manchester Workhouse Hospital, where he died.

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