THEATRE, MUSIC & DANCE ENTERTAINMENTS for pensioners, Pensioners Hall, Rock Street, Horwich, 2.30pm.

FARNWORTH Carousels Morris Dancers, girls' practice night, Highfield Hall, Highfield Road, 6pm.

FARNWORTH Aces Morris Dancers, practice night for any age from 5 upwards, New Bury Community Centre, Buckley Lane, 6.30pm.

WORSLEY Starlets Girls' Morris Dancing Troupe, practice night, Walkden Cong. Church, Harriet Street, 6.30pm.

Little Hulton Morris Dancing Troupe, practice night, Kenyon Way Community Centre 6.30pm.

A-DAYS Morris Dancers, practice night, TS Dido Hall, St George's Road, Bolton, 6.30pm.

CECILIAN Singers, practice night, St John's CofE Primary School, Church Street, Farnworth, 7.45pm.

BRASS Band, rehearsals new players welcome, Pack Horse pub, Manchester Road/Parkhills Road, Bury, 8pm. Tel: 708078.

SEQUENCE Dancing is held at the Railway Club, Green Lane, Brolton, 8pm.

50/50 Dancing, Tonge Cricket Club, Crompton Way, 8pm-11pm.

BARBERSHIP Harmony Club, practice night, Astley Bridge Conservative Club, 8pm. LEISURE, SPORT, KEEP FIT BOLTON Excel, Lower Bridgeman Street: 50+ bowls, 10am-12 noon; Thrill and Chill, 12.10pm-12.50pm. circuits, 6pm-7pm and 7pm-8pm.

DEANE Leisure Centre: weights gym, 4.30pm-10.30pm; junior swimming lessons for 10 weeks, 5.30pm-7.30pm; weights induction, 7pm-9pm; karate, 7pm-8pm; aerobics, 8pm-9pm; adults only swim, 9.15pm-10.15pm.

FARNWORTH Leisure Centre: morning refreshers swim, 7am-7.30am; fitness suite, 7am-9am; open session in pool, 9am-7.30pm; session for people with disabilities, 12 noon-1.15pm; splash aerobics, 7.20pm-8.05pm and 8.15pm-9pm.

HORWICH Leisure Centre: morning refreshers swim, 7am-7.30am; early morning swim, 7.30am-9am; main pool, 9am-6.10pm; step class, 12 noon-1pm; aerobics, 1pm-2pm; ladies leisure break aerobics, 2pm-3pm.

KEARSLEY Leisure Centre: trampolining, 5.30pm-6.30pm.

LITTLE Lever Leisure Centre: step class, 6.30pm-7.30pm.

Sharples Leisure Centre: parents and tots, 12.10pm-1pm; open session in pool, 8pm-9.30pm; karate, 7.30pm-8.30pm.

TURTON Leisure Centre: junior gymnastics for 3 to 5 years, 5.15pm-6.15pm; junior gymnastics for 5+ years, 6.15pm-7.15pm; junior gymnastics for advanced, 7.15pm-8.15pm; junior swimming lessons, 5.30pm-6.30pm; step aerobics, 8.30pm-9.30pm; laned swim, 9pm-10pm.

WATER Place: morning refreshers swim, 7am-7.30am; Tone Zone/Sunbed, 7.30am-10pm; early risers swim, 7.30am-9am; Tone Zone (Young at Heart), 9.30am-12 noon; stretch and relax, 10am-11am; kinderswim, 10.30am-12 noon; water aerobics, 12noon-1pm; lunch break aerobics, 12 noon-2pm; Tone Zone/Sunbed, 7.30pm-10pm; waterobics, 8.30pm-9.30pm.

Westhoughton Leisure Centre: junior soccer coaching, 5.30pm-6.30pm and 6.30pm-7.30pm; aerobics, 7.30pm-8.30pm; women only swim session, 8.30pm-9.30pm.

WITHINS Leisure Centre: gymnastics, 5.15pm-7.15pm; body conditioning, 6.15pm-7.15pm; aerobics, 6.15pm-7pm; step aerobics, 7pm-8pm.

BOLTON & District Table Tennis League, table tennis for juniors, Hilton Community Centre, Nuttall Avenue, Horwich, 7pm-9pm. For further information tel: Chris on 406693 or 692752.

AGE Concern: 50+ swimming, Water Place, 50p; Movement to Music, Age Concern Headquarters, 2pm-3pm, 75p including tea and coffee.

HILTON Community Centre, Nuttall Avenue, Horwich: junior table tennis, 7pm-9pm. Tel: 406693/692752.

CASTLE Hill Judo Club for 7 years and upwards, Gymnasium, Castle Hill School, Tonge Moor, 7pm-9pm. Admission £1. Tel: 399147.

THE Community Education Service is running yoga sessions at Sharples School Adults Centre, 7pm-8.30pm. CLUBS & GROUP MEETINGS BOLTON Royal Artillery Association is meeting at Nelson Street Barracks, Bolton at 8pm. For further information tel: J Dixon on 531871.

THE Loyals/Queens Lancashire Regiment Association is holding a meeting at Derby Barracks, Fletcher Street at 8pm.

BOLTON and District Dyslexia Association is holding a meeting for parents of children with dyslexia and other interested people at the Children's Centre, Devonshire Road from 7.30pm-8.30pm. For further information tel: Nicola Pearcey on 848722 or Val White on 842761.

THE Civil Service Retirement Fellowship is meeting at the United Reform Church, St Georges Road at 2pm. For further information tel: 307283.

THE Winter Hill LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) is holding a meeting at the Toll Bar Pub, 2 Chorley New Road, Horwich where members can trade goods and services using their own currency the Rivet. For further information tel: Joane on 695806 or Marie on 01942 833898.

BOLTON Volunteer Bureau is holding a drop-in for people who wish to enhance their employability, learn new skills or meet new people and make new friends at Bridge house, Pool Street from 10am-1pm. For further information tel: 380692.

WRITERS' Group, writing for pleasure or profit, Westhoughton Community Centre, Central Drive, 10am.

BOLTON Decorative and Fine Arts Society will be joined by Mr A Hornby speaking about Japan and its people in the Lecture Theatre, Central Library, Le Mans Crescent at 11.45am.

AGE Concern, Craft Class, Age Concern Headquarters, 10am-12 noon.

WORSLEY Walkden Disability Arts and Crafts Group, an informal gathering for people with varying difficulties to meet for arts and crafts tuition, social events, demonstrations and trips out, 1pm-3.30pm. Admission 50p. Transport may be available for people with mobility problems. For further information tel: Shirley Jones on 0161 799 9425.

LADIES Circle with various speakers, Somerset Road Church, 2.30pm.

A pensioners' group providing entertainment is held at the Pensioners' Hall, Horwich, 2.30pm.

ADLINGTON & Heath Charnock St John Ambulance, weekly first aid sessions, Badgers (age 6 to 10) 6pm-7pm; Cadets (age 11-16) 6.30pm-8pm and adults 8pm-10pm. Tel: 01257 482456.

BOLTON Buddhist Centre, meeting, Friends Meeting House, Silverwell Street, Bolton, 7.30pm. Tel: 308001.

BOLTON YMCA, 125 Deansgate: Ju-Jitsu (self defence), 7.15pm; fencing club, 11am and 8pm; junior fencing club, 7pm. OTHER EVENTS BOLTON Volunteer Bureau is open to anyone interested in voluntary work or looking to improve their skills to enhance their employability at Bridge House, Pool Street from 9.30am-12.30pm. To book an appointment tel: 380692.

Ladybridge Pre-School group meets at Ladybridge Community Centre, Beaumont Drive from 9am-12 noon. For further information tel: Karen Higson on 651397 (anytime) or 660353 during opening hours.

TOT Stop Pre-School group meets at Bolton Pentecostal Church, Bury New Road, from 9am- 12 noon and 1pm-4pm. Tel: 361704.

BOLTON Deaf Society, Bark Street: advice and information centre, 9am-1pm; British Sign Language Classes (stages 1 and 2); Darby and Joan Club, 1pm-5pm; Sports and Social Club, 7pm-11pm. For further information tel: Gillian Gregory on 521219.

WESTHOUGHTON Community Centre: under 5's, 9.30am-11.30am and 1pm-3pm; Yoga, 7pm-9pm.

HORWICH Resource Centre, Beaumont Road, Horwich: Parents & Toddlers 9am-11am (term time only); English Skills CES Class 9.30am-11.30am; Tuesday Club for over 60s lunch, 11.45am-1.45pm; Parent and Baby Group, 2pm-3.30pm; WASPS looking good/feeling good, 7.30pm-9pm; Henshaws Society for the Blind, information and advice session, 1.30pm; machine knitting club, 7.30pm.

ST Andrew's Ladies Guild meet at St Andrew's School, The Crescent, (off New Brook Road, near Four Lane Ends), Over Hulton at 7.30pm. For further information tel: 01942 884874.

BOLTON Anglo-German Circle is holding a lotto in Deutsch and Englisch at the Howcroft Hotel, off Vernon Street at 7.30pm.

BOLTON Autism Action Group is holding a meeting for parents who have a child suffering from Autism and wish to seek support, understanding and information at the Doffcocker Inn, Chorley Old Road at 8pm. For further information tel: 840452 or 846974.

LADIES' prayer meeting, St John the Evangelist, Wingates, 10am.

ST Luke's, Chorley Old Road, Halliwell: Drop-in Centre with light lunches and

snacks available, 10am-3pm with CAB service available, 1pm-3pm.

CERAMIC and painting lessons, 214 Bolton Road, Walkden, 7pm-9pm.

DOMINOES and bingo, Westhoughton Clubhouse, rear of 180 Church Street, 7pm-9pm. Tel: 816613 for Ring and Ride bus.

BINGO and Dominoes, Barlow Park Community Centre, off Dunoon Drive, Bolton, 7pm-9pm.

B-COMPANY, 4th Battalion, Queen's Lancashire Regiment, recruitment evening, Derby Barracks, Fletcher Street, 7.30pm.

RESIDENTS' Association Bingo, Our Lady and The Lancashire Martyrs Church Hall, Hallstead Avenue, Little Hulton, 8pm.

BOOKS, films and TV tie-ins are featured in the display case and audio visual library at Bolton Central Library, Le Mans Crescent.

EXHIBITIONS at Bolton Museum and Art Gallery, Le Mans Crescent include Thomas Moran's Nearing Camp, Evening on the Upper Colorado River, 1882, work by Turner, Ruskin and Moran's other British influences; Jerry Gordon: The Harmony and Diversity of Sacred Sites showing oil paintings of sacred sites by the Lancashire artist; The Unexplained: Photographs of the Paranormal showing a series of photographs of UFOs, aliens, Nessie and Bigfoot.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.