COLIN Todd was deciding today whether to take the gamble of adding a Latin tempo to Wanderers' promotion push. The Reebok boss is considering taking former Atletico Madrid midfielder Francesco Pirri on loan from Spanish club Merida for the rest of the season.

The 27-year-old left-footer, who had a recent trial with Hearts, trained with Wanderers at Euxton yesterday and was having another session this morning in the hope of earning himself a first crack at English football. But nothing is cut and dried and the Spaniard may go the way of previous midfield trialists.

"If anything is going to happen, it will happen today," Todd said. Pirri is one of two targets Wanderers have singled out ahead of Thursday's transfer deadline.

Blackpool goalkeeper Steve Banks is the other but I understand the Seasiders are reluctant to do business until they have recruited a replacement. Banks' contract expires in the summer when he could walk away for nothing, which would be a blow to cash-strapped 'Pool. But manager Nigel Worthington, fighting to keep his side out of the Division Two relegation trap, is reluctant to let him go. Southend's former Manchester City keeper Martyn Margetson a possible replacement. A blank weekend, with no football until the Easter Saturday game at Oxford, could yet put Keith Branagan back in the frame if Todd decides to take Jussi Jaaskelainen out of the firing line. The former Bolton No 1 lines up in the reserves at Barnsley tomorrow with Jimmy Phillips, Gudni Bergsson and Andy Todd - all players who could be in the reckoning if the manager makes the sweeping changes he hinted at after the weekend defeat at Sunderland.

Meanwhile, wide men Scott Sellars (ankle) and Michael Johansen (knee) are under treatment for injuries picked up in the first half of the 3-1 defeat at the Stadium of Light.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.