A BOLTON boss gave his entire staff an out-of-this-world treat yesterday - when he booked a whole cinema so they could watch the Star Wars blockbuster.

David Speakman, the managing director of Travel Counsellors, a pioneering Atherton-based travel company, decided his staff and their families needed to feel the force and hired the upmarket Premier screen at The Valley's Virgin Cinemas.

Mr Speakman said: "They're worth it. We try and look after our staff and create a family atmosphere. It's something we try and give back to them to made them a better team. We have a good time together."


The group of more than 60 people were also treated to a slap-up meal at Frankie and Benny's restaurant, also at The Valley.

Mr Speakman, a self-confessed Star Wars fan, added: "It gave the kids as well as the staff a real treat."

Travel Counsellors is the country's fourth fastest growing company in the UK and recently won a service award from Virgin boss Richard Branson. It is planning soon to branch out further by setting up a new office in Bolton town centre.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.