I REFER to the views of your anti-royal correspondent, John Evans. Referring to the Edward-Sophie wedding, he mentions the "BBC coverage of it ad nauseum".

As the televised coverage of it was seen in 23 countries and enjoyed by millions of people all over the world, I would think it was only "ad nauseum"to a minority of royalty-haters like himself!

And at least the royal couple had the courtesy to let the world witness this event, unlike Beckham and Posh who hid themselves away in an Irish Castle thus denying the public (who made them) the pleasure of viewing this spectacle, vulgar or not!

And if the taxpayers paid for the Royal Wedding, then the miniscule sum I must have contributed was well worth the four hours pleasure I had viewing it! Yes, I am one of the "peasants" Mr Evans sneeringly refers to!

Lawrence Holmes

Higher Bridge Street


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