AS a local resident of the Doffcocker area, I would just like to mention an incident that occurred on Wednesday, July 7, at Doffcocker Lodge.

A dog in grave difficulties was drowning in the lodge. Three construction workers putting in paths around the lodge attempted to rescue the animal. One entered the water and, although unable to rescue to dog managed to herd it further to shore where a passer-by managed to haul the dog out.

The chaps involved in the rescue attempt went back to work as though nothing unusual had happened, an everyday event.

The dog's name was Charlie. But I did not take the names of the construction workers but believe they work for Bolton Wise, The Quest Centre, who help unemployed people back to work.

After what I have witnessed, I must commend their employees for their public spirted actions as well as the standard of workmanship, as they have improved the paths around the lodge 100pc and I do feel that these blokes, previously out of work, are still capable of grand actions.

I believe that the chap who entered the water was also a diabetic on insulin so may have taken an even greater risk than was apparent.

J Knowles

Caley Street

Doffcocker, Bolton

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