BEFORE a governor at a Bolton school mentioned his office needed brightening-up, he thought a tea bag was something he found in a teapot.

But, six months later, Bolton Council chief executive Bernard Knight, a governor at Mount St. Joseph School, Farnworth, has a large eight feet by six feet work of art on his wall - and part of it is made-up of tea bags.

The wall hanging, which is in three panels, is made from a cocktail of recycled materials and shows a popular view of Bolton from Scout Road, Smithills.

The Town Hall is clearly visible as one of the town's historic landmarks and the piece aims to show that Bolton is an attractive place to live and work.

Four youngsters helped the designer, Marian Jazmik, a textile teacher at Mount St. Joseph School, to create the montage.

Joanna Simpson, Jennifer Schofield, Jacqueline Walsh and Chhaya Patel, all aged 14, took more than 50 hours to complete it.

Mrs Jazmik said: "Hopefully it will provide quite a talking point for people visiting Mr Knight's office.

"The whole thing came about more or less by accident. It has been an exciting project and something which has given the students something to think about and shown them more techniques so it has been a learning experience too."

The piece, which used a range of different techniques including dyeing, spraying, painting, machining and manipulating fabric, is a hit with Mr Knight.

He enthused: "It's a really impressive work and everyone who has seen it has praised it."

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