POSTAL chiefs have won the stamp of approval from a Bolton Crime fighting group - by helping it to go on-line.

The Royal Mail has donated two computers to Bolton Crime Prevention Panel in a bid to help its efforts to reduce crime in the town.

The computers will be used by the panel's minute secretary and to create its own publications.

The computers were handed over to Joan Johnson, chairman of the panel, by Bolton's Royal Mail area manager, Frank Hogan, at Bolton Central Police Station.

Mr Hogan said: "We are represented on the panel and support the group in all its efforts to reduce crime in the town including the promotion of post coding which can help people to protect their own property."

LEFT Frank Hogan, Royal Mail area manager, shakes hands with Bolton Crime Prevention Panel chairman, Joan Johnson, watched by PC Stuart Ashall, seated, panel secretary, and Royal Mail operations manager Andy McAleavey. POSTAL chiefs have won the stamp of approval from a Bolton crime fighting group - by helping it to go on-line.

The Royal Mail has donated two computers to Bolton Crime Prevention Panel in a bid to help its efforts to reduce crime in the town.

The computers will be used by the panel's minute secretary and to create its own publications.

The computers were handed over to Joan Johnson, chairman of the panel, by Bolton's Royal Mail area manager, Frank Hogan, at Bolton Central Police Station.

Mr Hogan said: "We are represented on the panel and support the group in all its efforts to reduce crime in the town including the promotion of post coding which can help people to protect their own property."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.